Two Nation Vacation (Malmo,Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bridge between Denmark and Sweden can barely be seen in the distance.

To keep hope alive I had to take a trip by myself.  I was given permission to visit anywhere in Scandinavia during my weekend.

Getting to Sweden was definitely interesting. I breezed through customs (that never happens!) and then bought a train ticket to take me over the Oresund sound (part of the Baltic sea) into Sweden.  I toured their old castle, St. Peter's Church, walked the beaches, and got to see the tallest skyscraper in Scandinavia (The Spinning Torso).  Thanks to some new friends I also walked through some really cool neighbourhoods on the West End where each apartment building had its own distinct look and feel but were intermingled with each other.  I was completely blown away by how people would just switch to English after realizing I didn't understand them. Apparently many people take English in school starting in the third grade.

Headed to Copenhagen for the next couple days and have added it as one of my favourite cities (minus the prices!). Cruising the canals, renting a bike to ride through the city during rush hour, and the fact that anything famous has most likely been donated by the Carlsburg family made it quite the city.

Riding a bike around the city with all the regulars and going in and out of traffic in Copenhagen will not be something I ever forget.

I got a chance to also tour Christainsborg Palace and the remnants of the previous palaces and castles that it's been built on top of that are now underground.  I also found a couple great Irish pubs throughout the trip to catch up on football scores.


Chris said...

I have Sweden on my list to visit some day. I cannot believe you are getting to all of these places before I get there.

Michael Egger said...

It's not a race. I do think you should put Copenhagen on your list though...

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