God Bless America - JR and Narus Come to Nashville

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fireworks until the smoke blocked them all out
4th of July Pub Crawl - Tequila Cowboy

Group Hike - Mike's Idea

We celebrated the fourth of July the right way by having some good friends from the North come down and visit us in the South. Strangely enough most of their trip aligned perfectly with the longest rainstorm I've ever seen going South to North right over Nashville.

During the 4th we walked downtown and hit a group of bars with live music on Broadway prior to seeing the fireworks.  We also met up with Cameron and Lucie which made our pub crawl a little more exciting than expected that evening.

Not to worry, I didn't let JR and Narus come down here without seeing a bit of the local scene.  We went down to Lynchburg and toured the Jack Daniels distillery, did a hike in Percy Warner Park, went to the Country Music Hall of Fame, and of course tried on some cowboy hats.

Who's the new sheriff in town?
Tour Group - JR and the little girl both hate whiskey


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