Death of the Mazda

Monday, October 8, 2012

Despite our normal life of excitements and blessings, there is a sad, gloomy cloud lingering over our heads.  During one of the final road trips Mike and I needed to make with Sarah, my beloved Mazda, she decided to completely breakdown about 80 miles from Pittsburgh. Luckily I was able to safely pull over and call AAA.  My car was towed to a local mechanic and my parents were nice enough to come pick our stranded butts up from the side of the road. Hopes were high when the mechanic told me my car started back up the next day and he couldn't find anything wrong with her, but our hopes were soon crushed when she broke down again for my Dad as he was trying to get her back home, and this time for good.  She got out of the hospital a week later, but let's face it, she's been getting old and I haven't been taking care of her that well during my recent traveling, so I have sadly made the decision to finally sell her once I come home in December.

This is a sad sad day in the DiLoreto household.  Sarah was my first car that I ever bought right when I started my nursing career.  We had a rough start (she tried to kill me multiple times throughout our first year together, but every relationship has a rocky start.)  Since then, she has become a good pal and has seen the country with me in my traveling, driven through good weather and bad and was a reliable friend as I drove through some treacherous snowstorms.  She has been very good to me over the years and she will be greatly missed.  I now ask for a moment of silence....



Chris said...

Very sad story....

Leisa Dreps said...

Have you bought another car as a replacement of “Sarah”? The story of your first car is very touching… I hope she’s doing well in the hands of her owner. But most importantly, I hope that you found another wonderful car that would be your companion in making new memories, dreams and adventures. Have a blast!

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